Hi! I am Divyanshu 👋.
Pronouns: he/him.

I'm a PhD Student at Department of Information Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, where I am adivsed by Bryan Semaan. My work lies at the intersection of Critical HCI and Social Justice.

I use ethnographic and computational methods in my work. My current research is exploring the experiences of historically disadvantaged communties (e.g., caste) within online communities. I have been part of multiple interdiscplinary research work, such as a.) understanding challenges of using education technology in conflict affected communities and b.) exploring ethical consideration arising from deployment of social robots in classroom context.

Before starting my PhD, I worked as a Software Engineer at Scry Analytics for a year. I completed my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIIT Delhi, India in 2021. I worked as a student reseracher in Human-Machine Interaction Lab where I worked with Jainendra Shukla, Venkata Ratnadeep Suri and Pushpendra Singh.

Divyanshu wearing a tshirt, in a lecture hall, smiling.

contact me

Email: Divyanshu[dot]Singh[at]colorado[dot]edu
Twitter: @uhsnayvid
LinkedIn: divyanshukumarsingh


November 2021
Our work lead by Asra Sakeen Wani titled “Hartal (Strike) Happens Here Everyday”: Understanding Impact of Disruption on Education in Kashmir, got condicationally accepted at ACM CHI 2022.
June 2021
Graduate from IIIT Delhi (yay!!) and starting as a software engineer at Scry Analytics.
March 2021
I am selected to serve as a Shadow PC at ACM COMPASS'2021.
January 2021
Winter 2021, I am Teaching Assistant for DES101(Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction) being instucted by Dr. Rajiv Ratn Shah.
December 2020
Presented first phase of my Bachelor's Thesis - 'Design for the Well-Being of LGBTQIA+ University Students'. Slides.
October 2020
Selected for SIGCHI CSCW Asia Winter School (Dec 18-19), Taipei, Taiwan. I will be presenting my work on "Design for the Well-Being of LGBTQIA+ University Students".
Feburary 2020
Selected as a Student Volunteer at ACM/IEEE HRI'2020. Super excited to attend HRI at Cambridge (Yayy!) - Tickets Done, Visa Applied. :)
January 2020
Our work titled "Toy, Tutor, Peer or Pet: Preliminary Findings from Child-Robot Interaction in a Community School" has been Accepted as a Late Breaking Report at ACM/IEEE HRI'2020. (My first acceptance, after a rejection! xD)